
First Stop - 50 km

50 km from Brasília, we made the first stop at a plantation near BR 010 and observed clouds in the sky that scattered the artificial lights of Brasília and nearby cities such as Sobradinho and Planaltina. The light pollution curtain extended up to the height of the star Acrux (α Cru), approximately 42° above the horizon, with a magnitude of 1.4.

Date: 06/08/2024

Time: 19:31 (-3:00 UTC)

Place: 15°30'06.1"S 47°31'29.8"W


Second Stop - 100 km

We made a stop near a farm by BR 010 and noticed a reduction in light pollution, approximately 27° above the horizon, with the reference star Lambda Vela (λ Vel) of magnitude 2.4, a bright yellow point to the right in the photo. From the horizon, the brightest star easily seen with the naked eye is Epsilon Carinae (ε Car), with an approximate magnitude of 2.5.

Date: 06/08/2024

Time: 20:38 (-3:00 UTC)

Place: 14°54'38.4"S 47°35'15.9"W


Third Stop - 150 km

At a distance of 150 km from Brasília, on a rural road near BR 010, the Milky Way's glow was already visible in the sky, though clouds were still present. The light pollution curtain extended to approximately 19° above the horizon, at the height of the star Markeb (κ Vel), with a magnitude of 2.7. We also noticed a reduction in the number of clouds in the sky.

Date: 06/08/2024

Time: 21:41 (-3:00 UTC)

Place: 14°31'47.7"S 47°29'54.7"W


Fourth Stop - 220 km

In the Chapada dos Veadeiros, after passing through the town of Alto Paraíso (GO), we headed towards the town of Cavalcante (GO). We made the final stop at the dirt road entrance to Cachoeira Poço Encantado. The reduction in light pollution on the horizon was noticeable, as well as the presence of the Milky Way's glow, stars, and astronomical objects in the sky. The light pollution curtain extended to the height of the star Teta Carinae (θ Car), approximately 13° above the horizon, with a magnitude of 3.3. This star is in the center of the image near a cloud, close to the horizon, surrounded by four stars.

Date: 06/09/2024

Time: 00:02 (-3:00 UTC)

Place: 13°52'00.3"S 47°15'56.4"W


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