The photos below were captured during the journey towards Chapada dos Veadeiros, in Goiás. Every 50 km from Brasilia, we documented the night sky and light pollution. The images show the difference between the city sky and the Cerrado sky, revealing the beauty and magnitude of the Cosmos. The photos were taken with the same camera and lens settings.
Focal length: 24mm | Aperture: f/4 | Exposure time: 20s
Photo 1: taken 50 km from Brasilia. The night sky is obscured by the city's light pollution, creating a bright glow that hides the stars.
Photo 2: taken 100 km from Brasilia. The night sky begins to reveal itself as we move away from the city's lights.
Photo 3: taken 150 km from Brasilia. The Milky Way can be seen with the naked eye.
Photo 4: taken 250 km from Brasilia. Light pollution still exists but is less visible. The arc of the Milky Way can be observed more clearly, occupying a large area of the sky.